Why Relationships and Networking Are Essential for Women in Communications

When I first moved to NYC, I knew no one. I am originally from the Midwest, and I was among the fortunate few to get my dream job out of college at the renowned public relations agency, Ruder Finn. Along the way, I’ve changed companies, become involved with various organizations like NYWICI, and attended many industry events. In my 15+ years of working in this city, the one thing I’ve found to be true is that relationships and networking are everything. And, you never know when a connection can lead to something greater down the road.

Walking into a room where you don’t know anyone can be extremely intimidating, especially if you’re early on in your career or struggling with imposter syndrome. However, the more you do it, the easier it gets… I promise!

I recently attended an event for Women Work F-ing Hard, a grassroots networking community which is intended to unite and empower women, and one of the goals of that gathering was for every woman there to meet three other women, get to know them and ask what you can do to help them. I met some wonderful women that evening, including the founders of Chamber of Mothers and the founders of Andie Swim, who were all as passionate about helping each other as I was. Imagine if every time you went into a room or an event, and everyone came in with that mindset. The world would be a better place for it.

Since I’ve been part of New York Women in Communications, the one thing I’ve found about our group is that our members all have that same attitude… where we welcome one another with open arms and are ready to listen, learn and help. Whether it’s offering each other career advice, an intro to someone we know, or mentorship… the women in our community are the real deal.

The communications industry is a dynamic and diverse field that requires constant learning and adaptation. Building relationships and meeting new people can help expose us to different viewpoints and experiences that can enrich our work and creativity.

What is the secret to making strong connections? Be authentic, kind, open-minded and offer value in some way – whether it’s your own insights or something else.

If you’re looking for an opportunity to meet and connect with amazing women, I’d love to encourage you to join us at the Spotify x NYWICI personal branding workshop, led by NYWICI’s President-Elect Brandi Boatner, and speed networking event on August 1 from 5-7:30pm at Spotify’s HQ (4 World Trade Center in NYC).

I hope to see many of you there or at a future NYWICI event!

Laura Brusca
2024 NYWICI President


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