Journalism student, Syracuse University, 2023 NYWICI Scholarship Winner

Lilli Iannella is a senior at Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications majoring in magazine, news and digital journalism and minoring in Spanish and environment and society. She currently works at The Evening Sun, where she covers daily news for the local Upstate New York paper and seeks enterprise projects. Iannella is the 2023 recipient of the Ellen Levine Memorial Scholarship and will be interning at Good Housekeeping magazine in New York City this fall.

What inspired you to join NYWICI?

NYWICI brings a community of women within the communications field together to support and motivate one another, and I wanted to be a part of an organization filled with empowering women who understand the strength of connection and provide a safe space to grow.

What piece of career advice do you live by?

Take opportunities to listen and learn from others. Value feedback and different perspectives.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

I have a twin brother named Chris! He goes to Rutgers University and has been excelling at mechanical engineering.

What’s the best thing you’ve watched/ listened to/ or read recently?

I really enjoyed watching the Barbie movie. It allowed me to reflect on both my past and current life (and the world around me) through the lens of Barbie. I would say it’s now one of my favorite movies!

What 5 people living, or dead would you invite for dinner?

  • Megan Twohey
  • Natalie Reneau
  • Ariana Grande
  • Greta Thunberg
  • Frida Kahlo


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