EVP, Executive Recruiting, Publicis Groupe

Claire Telling is a Chief People Officer renowned for helping executives fast-track their careers and build transformative talent solutions.

Recognized for her commitment to unlocking the full potential of individuals and teams, Claire has become a trusted advisor to leaders and companies seeking high-performing cultures and people strategies.

She currently runs her own talent consultancy, and prior to this was Global Chief People Officer for Havas Creative and Havas Health & You.  Her other experience includes CEO of Grace Blue Executive Search North America, and leadership roles at some of the world’s most creative advertising agencies.



If you could have one superpower, which would you choose?

While this isn’t a real superpower, I would love the ability to sing.  Let’s just say there would be a lot of happy people in my life if my car-singing voice was actually good.

Tell me about the first job you’ve ever held.

The first real job I had was as a paid intern at Grey Daiko in Tokyo, Japan. It was my first exposure to advertising and I loved every second of it, even though my responsibilities were quite unglamorous, like organizing the product closet and doing the team’s expenses. My boss Nick Johnson (who went on to have an incredible career), was a huge influence on me professionally and was the reason I went into advertising after I graduated. That job showed me that it is possible to combine both business and creativity, and I knew it was the kind of world that I wanted to live in.  The people at Grey were brilliant, dynamic, and funny and I have been intentional about building a career path where I could be immersed with that kind of talent ever since.

What energizes and drains you when you’re at work?

I’m energized by great collaborations with people where the ideas flow and where you can see how you will get to amazing solutions together.  I also thrive in environments when I am constantly learning and being challenged to think on my feet.  I’m drained by long meetings without breaks.

What’s your process for turning a bad day into a good one?

Turning a bad day into a good one for me is a combination of both time and perspective. Sometimes I take a walk to get some separation from the situation. Sometimes I just take a deep breath, feel all my feelings, and then remind myself of at least three good things I have in my life to counterbalance the bad.  And sometimes, I just need to have a big hug and then go to bed early.


I was introduced to NYWICI many years ago when I was asked to participate in a speed mentoring night. It was a great event and I saw firsthand the impact that the organization can have on women who are starting their careers in communications.  NYWICI has been so instrumental in opening doors and providing career development opportunities for the aspiring women who are the future leaders of our industry. And as women leaders ourselves, we have a huge responsibility to help the next generation succeed and to make even more advancements for women.  I’m so proud to be a part of this group.


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