An Empire State of Mind

Far and near, Spring is finally here! As the weather gets warmer, it signals a time of renewal and growth. So, as we Marie Kondo those winter layers, let us also rid ourselves of the extra work stress! It is time to embrace exciting opportunities on the horizon.

On Tuesday, April 9th, a dynamic group of women in different career stages gathered for a common purpose. To learn about how to redefine leadership in an ever-evolving world.

When you envision a leader, you might think of luminaries like Martin Luther King Jr. or a CEO- people with proven abilities to lead by example, who are approachable and inspire others.

But what if you were asked: Do you see yourself as a leader? How would you respond? What if I told you that success as a next-generation leader lies within each of us, just waiting to be cultivated and nurtured?

The concept of leadership as part of professional development was at the forefront of Amber Waugaman’s recent seminar, “Next Level You—The Future of Work.” In a world where traditional ideas of success often clash with the realities of modern workplaces, Amber guided us through easy strategies everyone can implement while navigating the shifting norms of the workplace landscape.

Post-COVID, and as Gen Zers continue to integrate into the workforce, Amber highlighted a continuously pressing issue: how can we thrive in an environment where workplace expectations don’t match the often outdated reality?  Amber’s insights offer three effective strategies for controlling our expectations and thriving regardless of the challenges.

Before implementing said strategies, though, observing the everyday dynamics and bending your work style to match the companies’ already established “vibe” is essential.

Strategy 1: Align expectations with reality.

Have you ever heard the expression “there is no use watering a dead flower”?

Amber cautioned that unrealistic expectations only lead to unhappiness and burnout. By incorporating this mindset, we can focus on our own sustainable success instead of being weighed down by things outside our control.

Strategy 2: Be a role model.

Who says leaders must be people with formal authority?

We can cultivate our leadership skills by embracing the values we wish to see in others, such as punctuality, reliability, and integrity. With this strategy, we can wield our influence far beyond the confines of our job titles!

Strategy 3: Manage up!

What if I told you that small actions lead to better results? Focus on mastering the ways of communication within the workplace and the rhythms of your colleagues. Be a thought leader and seek small opportunities to establish management trust.

As the seminar ended, our minds buzzed with new possibilities. In a city where opportunities abound, Amber Waugaman’s insights gave a fresh perspective that illustrated an obtainable path toward a bright, more empowered future within the workplace.

Are you having FOMO? Sign up for our next virtual seminar series and reach out to Amber personally!


In a world where traditional ideas of success often clash with the realities of modern workplaces, Amber Waugaman’s recent seminar, “Next Level You—The Future of Work” brought a fresh perspective to combat workplace disappointment by becoming a next generation leader with the goal of creating sustainable success within the workplace landscape.


Written by Katerina Friedman


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