Rakia Reynolds: Swimming Upstream to Build a Legacy of Empowerment and Opportunity 

In the latest episode of WomenHeard: Changemakers, host Georgia Galanoudis sits down with the inspiring Rakia Reynolds, founder and executive officer of the trailblazing strategic communications agency Skai Blue Media. Reynolds describes parts of her career journey as “swimming upstream” but also emphasizes the strength and confidence she’s gained through overcoming adversity. Recognized for her innovative leadership and impact, Reynolds was a 2024 NYWICI Matrix Award honoree and has also been featured by Inc. magazine as one of the “27 Business Leaders Aiming to Change the World” and by Forbes as one of the “Next 1000,” among other accolades.

In her conversation with Galanoudis, Reynolds delves into her formative years, shedding light on the experiences that fueled her confidence, creativity, and drive. She also shares insights into her personal practices for grounding and restoration, offering listeners a glimpse into how she maintains balance amid the demands of leading a busy agency. Here are some highlights from this compelling interview.

Forging Confidence Through Persistence 

Reynolds carries a unique blend of confidence across various roles (mother, friend, daughter, and business leader), a trait she credits to overcoming obstacles and challenges. This resilience, in her view, serves as a form of “fact-checking” her abilities in the media landscape she navigates on an ongoing basis, where each overcome challenge is evidence of her capabilities. Throughout the interview, she conveys that confidence is an attainable attribute, forged through persistence, self-acknowledgement, and a deep trust in one’s intuition and prowess, rather than one quality one gets by tackling tasks. 

Building a Support System to Nurture Strengths 

Reynolds attributes her successful journey to the myriad of guides and mentors who have influenced her at different life stages, underscoring the importance of a support system that provides constructive feedback. She reflects on the crucial role of thought partners in keeping her grounded, either by affirming her decisions or by prompting her to reconsider her strategies, which has been fundamental for her professional development and personal growth. Notably, she credits her parents with laying a strong foundation by nurturing her strengths, shielding her from negativity, and turning perceived weaknesses into assets. 

Embracing Differences to Innovate  

Encouraging feedback and critical remarks have both played a significant role in Reynold’s innovative mindset. She champions the idea that all types of feedback and situations, regardless of their nature, are crucial for personal growth and innovation. 

Achieving Peace for Greater Creativity 

Reynolds says she prioritizes grounding and self-care through her deep connections with nature and her family. She finds solace in the simplicity of life, appreciating the beauty of nature, the significance of family, and the value of clean air and a healthy environment, especially under the pressures of a high-stakes career. And she also highlights the importance of achieving peace before sleep, a practice influenced by her father’s wisdom. She understands that a peaceful sleep environment and mindset are not only vital for rest but also for fostering creativity and dreaming, crucial aspects for anyone in creative industries. 

A Purposeful Approach to Success

Influence and power, Reynolds says, are tools for creating a significant positive impact rather than mere indicators of personal success. Her journey, marked by early achievements and learning, enables her to identify and bridge gaps in access and opportunities, aiming to construct pathways for the disadvantaged. Despite her recognition and accolades, Reynolds firmly believes that her true achievement lies in the tangible differences she can make in people’s lives. Her humble yet purposeful approach to success, and the vision of leaving a legacy of empowerment and opportunity, illustrate her belief in the transformative power of influence for the lasting improvement it can bring to communities and future generations.

Thanks to Rakia Reynolds for joining us! You can listen to the complete interview on NYWICI’s WomenHeard podcast. 

Written by Carmen Boon, NYWICI member and VP of Public Affairs at Food Bank For NYC


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