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The 2024 Scholarship Winners have been announced! Meet the 2024 winners and learn more about their scholarships here.

September 27 – Communications Career Conference – SAVE THE DATE! Click here to learn more


  • A free ticket to this year’s Matrix Awards (ticket is for the year you receive the scholarship only)
  • Invites to virtual and in-person NYWICI events.
  • Opportunities to participate in panel discussions.
  • Opportunity to be a contributor for the NYWICI newsletter, blog, and/or social media.
  • Act as an NYWICI Ambassador at your school.


Meet the latest “class” of students to have been awarded scholarships. Their career plans cover almost every aspect of communications.


Find the students who have won scholarships in the past.


The NYWICI Scholarships have strict recipient obligations. Can you fulfill these obligations if you win a scholarship?


The 2024 NYWICI Scholarship Application period is closed! Check back in the fall to see if you are eligible and qualify for the 2025 Scholarship Program!


This year’s named scholarships come from renowned companies.

Scholarship Recipient Spotlights

Nora Wesson, Staff Reporter, Student, Upper East Site

Personal bio:

Passionate about local stories and local people, Nora Wesson covers all things Upper East Side for online newspaper Upper East Site. When she’s not working, Nora is reading up on disability justice, knitting baby hats, and searching NYC high and low for the perfect iced mocha. A native New Yorker, she hopes to use her career to tell the stories that don’t get told, and expand newsroom representation of those not often given a seat at the table.

What year did you win your NYWICI Scholarship?


What did receiving a NYWICI scholarship mean to you?

Receiving my scholarship made me feel uplifted in a community where I didn’t have to be perfect all the time. NYWICI is a organization that celebrates the moments of strength, and the moments of vulnerability that we as women experience in this male-dominated industry. Being honored in this way, and being welcomed into such a large but tight-knit community of women storytellers and changemakers has been transformative, and for the first time, I see so many paths stretched out in front of me, the footprints of those who walked them before me not yet faded. Even if I were to pave my own path, I know there are friends and colleagues and mentors in NYWICI that would lift me up and encourage me every step of the way.

How has receiving the NYWICI scholarship helped with your career?

Receiving the scholarship has increased my confidence exponentially. When I applied, I had not yet published a single article, yet now, after the panelists in my interview assured me I was a true journalist despite having no clips, I have published over 120. Should I change jobs, I know I can turn to NYWICI for advice, mentorship, and opportunities I would not have access to otherwise.

How do you plan to give back to the NYWICI community or pay it forward?

Whenever I meet a woman studying some aspect of communications, I point them toward NYWICI. I hope to volunteer further with the organization, as it has given me so much. Even small gestures, like reading and watching the work of my fellow scholarship winners, as they do for me, helps us all to encourage, advocate for, and inspire each other.

Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for future scholarship applicants?

Always go for it. Don’t be afraid of being vulnerable in the scholarship interview. I’ve never felt so supported and encouraged in an interview before. It was clear to me, and it will be clear to you, that every woman on that panel wants you to succeed.


Molly Jacob, Aspiring Sports Reporter, Student, Sacred Heart University

Personal bio:

Molly Jacob is a senior at Sacred Heart University, studying with a double major in sports communications and journalism with a minor in TV and Film. On top of her studies, she works at the YES Network and NBC Sports, which has allowed her to learn from some of the top professionals in sports broadcasting. Molly’s inspiration growing up was Erin Andrews, and she hopes to follow in her footsteps to becoming a sideline reporter that is trusted and well respected.

What year did you win your NYWICI Scholarship?

I won the Ann Liguori Sports Media scholarship in 2022 and the Alumna Award in 2023.

What did receiving a NYWICI scholarship mean to you?

Receiving a NYWICI scholarship is an honor to me. Knowing that I am in a community full of passionate and determined women makes me feel like my efforts are being appreciated. I have learned so much about how to overcome doubt, break glass ceilings, and stand tall for all women chasing careers in male-dominated industries.

How has receiving the NYWICI scholarship helped with your career?

My scholarships have helped me in my career because I have been able to get recognition for my hard work throughout my college years. Having my NYWICI accomplishments displayed on my resume and social media is a step in the right direction. Most importantly, I have been able to network with the phenomenal members/scholarship winners of NYWICI.

How do you plan to give back to the NYWICI community or pay it forward?

I plan on being a representation of NYWICI that everyone can be inspired by. Now that my name is forever involved with NYWICI, I hope that I can achieve my goals and always look back at the people who got me there. I plan on being accessible to volunteering and meet new scholarship recipients.

Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for future scholarship applicants?

My words of encouragement to future scholarship applicants are to not be afraid to be yourself or take risks. Remember to show enthusiasm for your interests and come with positive energy. NYWICI is an environment full of powerful people, don’t be afraid to apply yourself and be a sponge!


Jane Kim, Account Coordinator, Nicka K

Personal bio:

Hello, my name is Jane and I would like to say I am a fresh graduate ready and willing to try anything and everything in the world! I love to travel, experience new things, and meet people from all places in life.

What year did you win your NYWICI Scholarship?


What did receiving a NYWICI scholarship mean to you?

I was so honored to have been a recipient of the scholarship from such an amazing organization. It was at the time when I was preparing for my study abroad trip so any extra help I could get was so greatly appreciated!!

How has receiving the NYWICI scholarship helped with your career?

Although I can’t give any direct links, I have to say NYWICI has truly been motivational for me in my professional life. To be able to hear the stories and advices of such successful women was so inspirational and it gave me hope in a way. I feel that it has pushed me to work harder (and smarter) and I’ve slowly been learning things helpful to my career on the side.

How do you plan to give back to the NYWICI community or pay it forward?

I’ve been starting with attending the in-person workshops and zoom panels on the event page and recently also attended the Matrix Awards Ceremony! But as I get settled into my new work a little more, I want to join a committee to volunteer and connect with those in the organization more!

Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for future scholarship applicants?

Be friendly, be open, be flexible; but also be firm. Although it’s a very general tip, I strongly believe just being a nice and amicable person will help you in the long run. Good luck!!!


Amanda Dait, Student, The Pennsylvania State University

Personal bio:

Amanda is a senior studying Public Relations with a minor in Communication Arts and Sciences at Penn State. She has spent the past two summers interning for Klunk & Millan Advertising as a PR and Social Media Marketing intern and holds an internship position as a Marketing Content Writer with the Center for the Business of Sustainability at PSU during the academic year. She has spent the past two years as a member of ServeState, a community service organization on campus, spending 3/4 semesters as the PR chair, and is currently serving as Vice President for the 2023-2024 academic year.

What year did you win your NYWICI Scholarship?

I won the 2023 NYWICI Scholarship through IPG.

What did receiving a NYWICI scholarship mean to you?

Receiving a NYWICI scholarship was such an honor. This organization is filled with empowering women from diverse backgrounds and I couldn’t be prouder to say that I have been welcomed with open arms.

How has receiving the NYWICI scholarship helped with your career?

This scholarship has allowed me to focus on my education, internship, and extracurricular experiences rather than worry about finances. This means I’ve had more time to get involved in career development opportunities and has opened doors for me to attend NYWICI networking events and seminars on career skills.

How do you plan to give back to the NYWICI community or pay it forward?

I hope to give back to the NYWICI community by reaching a point in which I can donate to the scholarship fund and/or become a mentor for others that are applying for scholarships or membership to the organization. I would love to be a point of contact for anyone that has questions about NYWICI or the incredible opportunities and services that it offers current and future women in communications.

Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for future scholarship applicants?

Be yourself! It might sound cheesy but never leave your passions, diversity, or experiences at home — these are the experiences that you should be proud of and that make you truly unique. In the world of communications, your personal and lived experiences are going to enable you to form connections with others.


Grace Gavilanes, Managing Editor, Equinox

Personal bio:

Grace Gavilanes is a freelance writer and editor based in Queens, New York. She has over 10 years of experiencing writing and editing for award-winning publications and highly-regarded CPG brands.

What year did you win your NYWICI Scholarship?


What did receiving a NYWICI scholarship mean to you?

It meant everything! Receiving an NYWICI scholarship meant that all those hours of interning for free, manifesting magazine bylines, and volunteering for every writing opportunity finally paid off. I was being inducted into a sisterhood of like-minded, equally-motivating, goal-oriented women. It was the inspiration I needed to never give up.

How has receiving the NYWICI scholarship helped with your career?

People know what NYWICI is. The opportunity really did connect me with people I’ve long admired in the industry. It opened doors for future internships and jobs. Winning a scholarship also allowed me to study abroad in London, which was always a dream of mine!

How do you plan to give back to the NYWICI community or pay it forward?

I want to sponsor a scholarship for first-generation BIPOC writers. Give me some time and I’ll make it happen.

Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for future scholarship applicants?

Authenticity always shines through, in your application and in your in-person interview. Tell your story and don’t be afraid to share your craziest dreams. Anything can happen, you just have to believe that it can.


Hailey Aldrich, Development Associate, National Homelessness Law Center

Personal bio:

Hailey Aldrich is proud to work with the National Homelessness Law Center with the vision to cultivate a society where every person can live with dignity and enjoy their basic human rights, including the right to affordable, quality, and safe housing. Hailey has always looked to use the power of narratives and communications to amplify the voices and advance the needs of our most vulnerable populations. After graduating Summa cum laude from Ithaca College with a degree in Communications, Management, and Design in 2022, Hailey began a year of service with the National Homelessness Law Center through the AmeriCorps VISTA program and has since transitioned into a full-time position as their Development Associate.

What year did you win your NYWICI Scholarship?

I won the NYWICI Hearst Media Scholarship in 2020.

What did receiving a NYWICI scholarship mean to you?

My NYWICI interview was the first zoom call I ever logged onto. I interviewed for my NYWICI scholarship at the beginning of the pandemic when so many things were uncertain personally, professionally, and globally. When I received the news that I had received one of the NYWICI scholarships, it instilled a sense of confidence and community and showed me the importance on leaning on this a supportive network of women to help navigate the challenges to come.

How has receiving the NYWICI scholarship helped with your career?

While my path has been different from many other NYWICI scholars, my NYWICI connections have allowed me to keep a pulse on the direction of the larger communications industry and leverage my connections to influence my organization’s communications strategy.

How do you plan to give back to the NYWICI community or pay it forward?

I have continued to engage with NYWICI by volunteering on the Communications Committee, attending alumni events, and volunteering at the annual Matrix Awards as we celebrate other incredible leaders and future leaders across the communications industry.

Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for future scholarship applicants?

Don’t try to fit yourself into a box or a set of criteria. Let the topics and work you’re passionate about lead and your skills and abilities will shine through.


Brianna Boone, Student, Temple University

Personal bio:

Brianna Boone is a senior journalism student with a double-major in Spanish at Temple University. She has a passion for digital media with particular interests in lifestyle, beauty and pop culture. Brianna has had experiences at Kaplow Communications and BET/Paramount, allowing her to connect her passion of writing to both brand insights and connecting to a diverse audience.

What year did you win your NYWICI Scholarship?

I have won scholarships in both 2022 and 2023.

What did receiving a NYWICI scholarship mean to you?

Receiving a NYWCIC scholarship meant a chance at change. My first scholarship, the Kaplow Scholarship, both funded my study abroad, allowing me to experience a new life and become a bilingual communicator, and exposed me to my (now) love of public relations. My second scholarship, the Past Presidents’ scholarship, gave me the inspiration I needed to continue striving for success, empowering others while doing so, and hoping to display the qualities of a future NYWICI president as these women chose me to be.

How has receiving the NYWICI scholarship helped with your career?

The NYWICI scholarships single-handedly opened the doors needed to start my career. Starting with funding my study abroad in Spain, I can now effectively communicate in two languages to connect audiences and build bridges between Spanish-speaking communities. These scholarships also allowed me to experience the world of public relations for the first time, so much so that I now want to pursue it as a full-time career. Everyone at Kaplow has mentored me through this journey that would not have been possible without NYWICI.

How do you plan to give back to the NYWICI community or pay it forward?

I want to continue being a resource and mentor for other college students who are not sure where to start on their journey. I feel that given my background in career services and NYWICI, I am in good standing to be a fellow to another aspiring young woman in media. To me, knowledge is power, so I would love the opportunity to share my knowledge and empower the next shining star at NYWICI. I want to continue building this Roadmap for Change.

Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for future scholarship applicants?

My advice to a future scholarship applicant would be to find your purpose. This year’s Matrix Awards were dedicated to “Champions of Change”, and that’s exactly who NYWICI wants to see in their next scholarship recipients. Find your passion–not necessarily your dream job–but what your purpose is in media, and communicate that in your application. When I applied to NYWICI, I didn’t necessarily know what I wanted to do post-grad, but I did know what my purpose in this field was. Find your passion and your purpose, and show how you want to be the next champion of change!


Hannah Garcia, Content Manager, Buckingham Browne and Nichols

Personal bio:

I graduated from Cornell in 2022 with a BS in communication and a minor in history. After working in athletics in college through an internship with the MLS and for the Cornell Athletic Department, I branched out to include other things in my career. I currently work at an independent school in Cambridge where I do photography, social media, short and long form writing, and everything else required of a communications professional.

What year did you win your NYWICI Scholarship?


What did receiving a NYWICI scholarship mean to you?

It was affirming to know that I was on the right path and a true honor to be recognized by an icon in sports journalism Ann Liguori

How has receiving the NYWICI scholarship helped with your career?

It made visible to me all of the inspiring women in communications in NY that I didn’t know and I felt like I was joining a distinguished community.

How do you plan to give back to the NYWICI community or pay it forward?

While I’m not stationed in NYC, I’d be happy to help other NYWICI members by giving advice or speaking about my experiences.

Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for future scholarship applicants?

Embrace all of the twists and turns that life throws your way. You may not end up doing what you imagined but you’ll figure it out. And don’t worry if you don’t have it all figured out right away, there’s plenty of time to grow and change.


Laura Foti, CMO, Specright

Personal bio:

Laura is the Chief Marketing Officer at Specright, the first cloud-based platform for Specification Management. Specright has been recognized by Fast Company’s prestigious Most Innovative Companies list, named a Gartner Cool Vendor, and as one of the Top Places to Work by the OC Register and Built in LA. She hosts “Beyond the Shelf: the Product and Packaging Podcast,” where she interviews the industry leaders behind the products we love and use everyday. Prior to Specright, she led advertising and analytics at GE Digital, GE’s Industrial Internet software business. Before that, she was a consultant at Deloitte Digital working in enterprise digital transformation. Laura was named to the Forbes 30 Under 30 list for marketing and advertising and Brand Innovators 40 Under 40 and 100 Women to Watch lists. She graduated from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. She resides in Newport Beach, CA.

What year did you win your NYWICI Scholarship?


What did receiving a NYWICI scholarship mean to you?

Receiving a NYWICI scholarship put me into a new league of peers and mentors who showed me what was possible. It was the ultimate “if you can see it, you can be it” moment and had a huge impact on my career advancement.

How do you plan to give back to the NYWICI community or pay it forward?

My goal is to repay my entire scholarship over time so I can pay it forward to the next generation of women leaders.

Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for future scholarship applicants?

You can achieve more than you think and there’s no timeline for success, so go after your dreams! You might get there faster than you think and uncover new goals along the way.


Jen Walsh, Associate Director, Audience Development, Morning Brew

Personal bio:

Jen is a social media strategist who’s worked with brands including Comedy Central, NBCUniversal, Blizzard Entertainment and StarTalk Radio to cultivate strong social followings and create best-in-class digital content. Walsh’s work has won Webby and Shorty Awards, and she was named a Cynopsis Rising Star in 2021. She received a Bachelor’s degree from Ithaca College and a Master’s in Arts Administration from Baruch College.

What year did you win your NYWICI Scholarship?


What did receiving a NYWICI scholarship mean to you?

Receiving a NYWICI scholarship was like receiving a vote of confidence from some of the most successful women in the communications industry. The funding for my degree was certainly useful, but being welcomed the NYWICI community was a truly invaluable experience.

How has receiving the NYWICI scholarship helped with your career?

Participating in NYWICI’s mentoring program and attending early-career events helped me develop my professional network and the skills I needed to succeed in the workplace. NYWICI’s members are smart, generous with their time, and dedicated to helping other women succeed – I’m incredibly grateful for the wisdom I’ve gained from the organization.

How do you plan to give back to the NYWICI community or pay it forward?

I encourage everyone to join me in donating to NYWICI’s scholarship fund to support the next generation of women in communications! It’s an honor to help other young women join NYWICI’s wonderful community as they begin their careers in the field.

Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for future scholarship applicants?

Drafting scholarship essays can be daunting – as you write your scholarship submissions, try to add your unique perspective to your writing, not what you think you “should” write. NYWICI is a community of women who bring incredibly diverse experience to communications, and showcasing the unique point of view you’ll bring to the organization can help you stand out.