Chief Communications Officer, Worldwide Communications Omnicom Group Inc.

Joanne Trout oversees the development and implementation of external, internal, and executive communications programs for Omnicom including digital leadership, corporate social responsibility, media relations, reputation management, financial communications, and thought leadership. She works closely and collaborates on programing with the communications teams at BBDO, DDB, TBWA, OMG, and DAS.

Prior to joining Omnicom, Joanne spent almost a decade doing external and customer communications at MasterCard. She was instrumental, in partnership with a key group of senior executives, in helping the company go through major transformative years starting with becoming a publically-traded company, to changing CEO’s, and moving from a financial service company to a technology leader. She was also in charge of developing communications programs for Global Product and Solutions (GP&S) including Emerging Payments, Core Products, MasterCard Technologies, Advisors and Global Marketing.

Joanne has more than 30 years of experience on the client and corporate communications agency side building top brands, including Sony, Sharp, Pioneer, and XM Satellite Radio. She provides high-level strategic counsel to clients seeking to build corporate images and brands, launch products and services, deal with reputational issues, as well as tackle other communications challenges.

Joanne is also an adjunct professor at Syracuse’s Newhouse School of Communications, Iona University and, as well as teaches English as a second language to immigrants as part of We Speak NYC, a program under the NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrants Affairs. She is a senior member of PRSA and New York Women in Communications.



If you could have one superpower, which would you choose?

I think I would pick flying. I would really enjoy how free I would feel and knowing the ability to go anywhere at anytime. Also I would love to see the world from a new perspective.

Tell me about the first job you’ve ever held.

I’m proud to say I’ve worked since I was 12 years old from babysitting to lifeguard to waitressing, etc. My first job right out of college was a AAE at a small husband/wife PR agency. I was lucky enough to work on two great brands: Sony and Prince Tennis. It was ‘on the job’ training and the wife was tough and a relentless perfectionist. She died recently and I told her husband she taught me so much including how to write which is now my passion. Sometimes you learn the most from the toughest bosses.

What energizes and drains you when you’re at work?

I’ve been in the PR Industry on the client and agency side for more than 3 decades. I still get excited about pitching and placing positive stories. I’m a doer and I find unnecessary bureaucracy and processes a drain. I’m also an Adjunct Professor and I love giving back to my students and watching them learn about our industry.

What’s your process for turning a bad day into a good one?

Every morning and night, I take time to meditate and reflect on things that I’m grateful for.


I’m a passionate advocate for women equality in our industry. It’s gotten a lot better since I came up through the ranks but there is still so much more that needs to be done to achieve true women’s equality from leadership to pay. I look around at Omnicom and still all the Network CEOs are men. We need to change that and an organization like NYWICI plays an important role.


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