NYWICI Trailblazer Awards

October 22, 2024
5:30 – 7:30 pm
Forbes on Fifth


Introducing NYWICI’s celebration of the next generation of industry Trailblazers and the women who helped light the way in the worlds of communications, marketing, advertising and public relations. This award offers a unique opportunity for NYWICI to champion the next generation of women and empower the future of our industry by recognizing and nurturing exceptional talent. Starting in July 2024, NYWICI will be accepting nominations from industry leaders, notably past Matrix honorees, for emerging leaders on their teams that show exceptional promise and talent in the field of marketing and communications.

Nominations will be evaluated by a distinguished panel of judges made up of NYWICI Past Presidents and Board leaders. The judges will select a limited number of honorees to be named together with their nominators. Within an exclusive and limited-access event, NYWICI will provide a celebratory environment to honor and commend this next generation of communications Trailblazers.

NYWICI will host an intimate evening of cocktails, canapés and hors d’oeuvres for 150+ industry leaders including past Matrix Honorees, NYWICI Past Presidents and other notables. The evening will be designed to foster meaningful industry connections and be punctuated with presentation speeches, together with a panel discussion featuring the Trailblazer honorees.

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To learn more about the awards criteria click here.

For more information, please email donna-jean.plante@nywici.org.

President’s Award Sponsor: