Scholarship Spotlight: Amanda Dait

Student, The Pennsylvania State University

Personal bio:

Amanda is a senior studying Public Relations with a minor in Communication Arts and Sciences at Penn State. She has spent the past two summers interning for Klunk & Millan Advertising as a PR and Social Media Marketing intern and holds an internship position as a Marketing Content Writer with the Center for the Business of Sustainability at PSU during the academic year. She has spent the past two years as a member of ServeState, a community service organization on campus, spending 3/4 semesters as the PR chair, and is currently serving as Vice President for the 2023-2024 academic year.

What year did you win your NYWICI Scholarship?

I won the 2023 NYWICI Scholarship through IPG.

What did receiving a NYWICI scholarship mean to you?

Receiving a NYWICI scholarship was such an honor. This organization is filled with empowering women from diverse backgrounds and I couldn’t be prouder to say that I have been welcomed with open arms.

How has receiving the NYWICI scholarship helped with your career?

This scholarship has allowed me to focus on my education, internship, and extracurricular experiences rather than worry about finances. This means I’ve had more time to get involved in career development opportunities and has opened doors for me to attend NYWICI networking events and seminars on career skills.

How do you plan to give back to the NYWICI community or pay it forward?

I hope to give back to the NYWICI community by reaching a point in which I can donate to the scholarship fund and/or become a mentor for others that are applying for scholarships or membership to the organization. I would love to be a point of contact for anyone that has questions about NYWICI or the incredible opportunities and services that it offers current and future women in communications.

Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for future scholarship applicants?

Be yourself! It might sound cheesy but never leave your passions, diversity, or experiences at home — these are the experiences that you should be proud of and that make you truly unique. In the world of communications, your personal and lived experiences are going to enable you to form connections with others.


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