Scholarship Spotlight: Brianna Boone

Student, Temple University

Personal bio:

Brianna Boone is a senior journalism student with a double-major in Spanish at Temple University. She has a passion for digital media with particular interests in lifestyle, beauty and pop culture. Brianna has had experiences at Kaplow Communications and BET/Paramount, allowing her to connect her passion of writing to both brand insights and connecting to a diverse audience.

What year did you win your NYWICI Scholarship?

I have won scholarships in both 2022 and 2023.

What did receiving a NYWICI scholarship mean to you?

Receiving a NYWCIC scholarship meant a chance at change. My first scholarship, the Kaplow Scholarship, both funded my study abroad, allowing me to experience a new life and become a bilingual communicator, and exposed me to my (now) love of public relations. My second scholarship, the Past Presidents’ scholarship, gave me the inspiration I needed to continue striving for success, empowering others while doing so, and hoping to display the qualities of a future NYWICI president as these women chose me to be.

How has receiving the NYWICI scholarship helped with your career?

The NYWICI scholarships single-handedly opened the doors needed to start my career. Starting with funding my study abroad in Spain, I can now effectively communicate in two languages to connect audiences and build bridges between Spanish-speaking communities. These scholarships also allowed me to experience the world of public relations for the first time, so much so that I now want to pursue it as a full-time career. Everyone at Kaplow has mentored me through this journey that would not have been possible without NYWICI.

How do you plan to give back to the NYWICI community or pay it forward?

I want to continue being a resource and mentor for other college students who are not sure where to start on their journey. I feel that given my background in career services and NYWICI, I am in good standing to be a fellow to another aspiring young woman in media. To me, knowledge is power, so I would love the opportunity to share my knowledge and empower the next shining star at NYWICI. I want to continue building this Roadmap for Change.

Do you have any advice or words of encouragement for future scholarship applicants?

My advice to a future scholarship applicant would be to find your purpose. This year’s Matrix Awards were dedicated to “Champions of Change”, and that’s exactly who NYWICI wants to see in their next scholarship recipients. Find your passion–not necessarily your dream job–but what your purpose is in media, and communicate that in your application. When I applied to NYWICI, I didn’t necessarily know what I wanted to do post-grad, but I did know what my purpose in this field was. Find your passion and your purpose, and show how you want to be the next champion of change!


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